Oyster reefs in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Oyster Restoration

Restoration Guidelines for Shellfish Reefs

This guide is for practitioners, managers and community members to provide both guidance in decision-making for establishing shellfish reef restoration projects and examples of different approaches undertaken by experienced practitioners in a variety of geographic, environmental and social settings.

The guide both updates and expands on the original Practitioners Guide (Brumbaugh et al.), capitalising on the improvements in knowledge around the ecological function of bivalves in their coastal environments as well as on the depth and breadth of experience that now exists globally.

The restoration approach is aligned to the Society for Ecological Restoration's International standards for the practice of ecological restoration and was developed by a global team of writers and editors.


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Thanks to the global team of editors and authors in the development of this guide and the support of China Global Conservation Fund (CGCF) – a global initiative primarily financed by The Nature Conservancy’s China Board of Trustees.

Learn about some of The Nature Conservancy's shellfish reef projects across the globe:

Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia

Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, USA

Hong Kong, China

Gulf of Mexico, across five states of USA

Hauraki Gulf, Auckland, New Zealand