Ms. Karen Mok visit our Yunnan Golden Monkey

Yunnan Golden Monkeys

Catch a glimpse of Yunnan Golden Monkeys with Karen Mok

We are honored to have invited our Celebrity Ambassador Ms. Karen Mok to visit both of our Yunnan Golden Monkey and tree planting conservation sites in Yunnan, China. Please enjoy these three special videos starring Karen as our tour guide!

Yunnan Golden Monkeys - Wild Men of the Mountains Learn what’s so special about China’s second national treasure, how similar to us they are, and why it is important to protect them.
Saving monkeys to save China’s forests Every single living organism in nature is valuable in its own way. Deforestation has caused a lot of wildlife to lose their home and food. Through the protection of Yunnan Golden Monkeys, we are also effectively protecting 500,000 hectares of primary forest that many other species heavily depend on.
It takes a village: Saving Yunnan Golden Monkeys Gaining support from local communities is critical to the success of our work. TNC trains villagers with skills to provide alternative livelihood, while encouraging them to abstain from illegal poaching and logging activities.